Scroll through the covers in the box above to view a tiny selection of Summer reading titles recommended by BPL.
Click on the title for a summary of the book and to see if it is available for check out.
To access books from the Brooklyn Public Library (BPL), follow the directions below:
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Click Below for Lists of Summer Reading Recommendations from BPL
Summer Reading for Fantasy Lovers
Summer Reading: Graphic Novels
Summer Reading: Laugh-Out-Loud Funny Books
Summer Reading: Anti-Racism and You
Teen Summer Reading: Mushy Feelings
Teen Summer Reading: All the Sides of Pride
Teen Summer Reading: Thrills & Chills
Teen Summer Reading: Out of This World
Lectura de Verano 2021 - Escuela Intermedia
And don't forget to look over lists on this page.
Scroll through the covers in the box above to view a tiny selection of Sora Summer reading titles.
Click on the title for a summary of the book and to see if it is available for check out.
To download the Sora app to a computer:
To download the Sora app to a device:
Scroll through the covers in the box above to view a tiny selection of recommended myON Summer reading titles.
Follow the step-by-step directions in this document to access over 7,000 e-books available in myON!
If you prefer, a directions document is also posted below.
Scroll through the covers in the box above to view a tiny selection of recommended ComicsPlus Summer reading titles.
Email me from your DOE email for login information:
To access 20,000+ graphic novels,
email me for Username & password information:
Click here for lists of recommendations for the ComicsPlus site.
...and be sure to check out this list as well for additional comic book suggestions!
Search our library's catalog and make a list of books you want to check out in the Fall!
Click here to access the catalog home page or use the search box below if you already know what you want to read.